5.6 hrs, 26 rivets
Cav is on her own feet now!
Installed the main gear and nose wheel.
Finished up the gascolator attach by enlarging four of the holes to take AN3 bolts. Then riveted the doubler and the bracket to the firewall. Will need to order some 509 structural #10 screws to finish this task. Bolts interfere with the body of the gascolator.
Since I removed all of the electrics to prevent damage during riveting, had to reinstall them.
Then added washers, as per the plans, to the main gear wheel pant bracket bolts to add some space between the bracket and the brake disc. Why they didn't just spec a longer spacer is beyond me. My spacers were a fraction (64th) short, and one standard washer was enough to make the spacing just right. One on each of the three bolts, both sides, that is.
Then slid the engine mount on to the firewall, tightened the nuts by hand, and used the hoist to raise the fuselage. Installed the main gear. This was nerve wracking, since I was afraid something would give and the whole assembly would come crashing down. But it went reasonably smooth. Had to remove the engine mount again to get the nose gear leg installed. But it slid back into place effortlessly.
The main longerons are now 18" higher. All the leaning over to mess with stuff on the floor has been bugging my back. Now I can reach it without bending at all.
Van's RV-9A in Aurora