No work during the week, even though I was home. The first time that happened in 2 years. We're having a freaky cold wet winter, unlike any in my 35 years of living in Texas. Plus got the taxes done, and that didn't leave enough time and energy to worry about the project.
But it was almost nice today after the morning fog burned off.
Continued working on rudder cap fiberglass. Gonna take a bunch more work. Mine has very thick skin compared to the one Wayne has. Taking lots of sanding to get it to fit properly. Cut a little too much and will have to build that back up with some fiberglass and microballoons.
Then it was warm enough to prime elevator pushrods. I put them in my daughters black car to warm them up, and then applied primer. Got the inside of both done, tomorrow will do the outsides.
Removed the empennage parts and deburred. Scuffed and cleaned empennage small parts for priming.
Cut angles for AHRS platform.
Drill holes for aft fuselage wiring runs. I think I finally know how this will work out.
The finish kit should have been loaded on a truck this week, but haven't heard anything from Partain. I expect his trucks are stuck in snow somewhere, so he'll be running behind. (Like a month. The kit finally arrived on 3/9.)