Finally a nice day in Central Texas. We suffered through two nasty, cold, wet weeks. Those were the lightest two build weeks for me all year. But as I said yesterday, I still managed to get some time on electrical design.
Finished installing the main gear weldments. The plans say nothing about it, but I put an .063 shim between the weldment flange and the sides. That's the flange with the 5 AN3 bolts that have to be drilled through the skin and weldment. I saw other builders pictures and they too had a gap between weldment and longerons. .063 was the perfect thickness.
One small item was the 7 AN4 bolts that attach the weldment to the spar. These need to be drilled out to 1/4", and this would have been much easier when the spar was still on the bench. Fortunately the Brown angle drill kit has a 1/4" threaded bit, but it's a bit treacherous to use.
The bolts aren't torqued yet, but I'll do that when installing the wings for the first time.
Started looking at the forward cabin plumbing. I bought a Matco parking brake valve, and it needs to be incorporated into the brake design. And the Andair fuel valve changes things a bit - by making it easier. If you're looking at the price of that Andair valve and thinking it's too expensive, I can promise you will not regret buying it. I recommend buying it at Oshkosh or Sun n Fun. It's money well spent.