Resolved trim sensor issue. Needed to calibrate on the Skyview menus. Discovered this AFTER a long post to the Dynon forum asking for help.
Install EBUS switch circuit.
Start installing autopilot wiring harness.
This nice harness made was made by SteinAir.
With the Skyview's mostly installed and working, I took a few shots.
Full panel
The following three are the primary Skyview pages at 100%. Two or all three of these can be displayed at the same time, at 50% or 30%/20% size. The other display can do the same thing.
PFD page, with flight instruments, horizon, airspeed, altitude, etc.
The altimeter setting is not correct.
Moving map.
Since the GPS is hooked up, it shows the correct position.
Engine page.
It was 58 degrees in the cabin!