Started flap construction in earnest.
Drill and cleco bottom skins to table.
Drill 5/8 holes in table for cleco drop through. Through blind luck, managed to get the long 2x4's in the construction table in almost the perfect place. They could be right along the edge, and they wouldn't interfere with anything there. But the jig weighs alot, and I wanted to inset the 2x4's a bit to provide a good way to grab the assembly for moving it. As you can see from the picture, the right inset is just between the two 5/8 holes that have to be drilled. I was a bit close to one, but it worked well enough.
Clamp and drill 906A angles and 906C spacers to spars. Now these parts make sense.
Cleco bottom skins to flap spars. Cleco ribs to bottom skins and final drill. Flipped the assembly over and the clecoes fit perfectly on the table. The flaps seem to be a bit easier and more forgiving than the ailerons.