2.3 hrs
Spent today preparing for the proseal tasks. First up was the left tank. Got all the old proseal cleaned off the tank and cover. Those are ready to go.
Trimed the right flap trailing edge wedge, and dressed on the scothbrite wheel.
Scuffed both trailing edge wedges, and then cleaned up with MEK.
Cleaned both flap trailing edge areas prior to prosealing.
Also charged 1.5 to misc for demolishing the fuselage shipping box. There's a bunch of staples in those things. Stored as much of the wood as I could, which was most of it. The staples ripped it up a bit, but there's still a lot of usable material. Also cleaned up the shop real good to get ready for fuse work.
It'll be nice to be done with the flaps.
Tomorrow is proseal madness.
Van's RV-9A in Aurora