Took a day off and made some progress on the wing.
Started by priming the big pile of wing parts. Took 1.9 hrs to get it all done. Very happy with the results, it turned out much better than the left wing. Used the Sherwin Williams self etching primer shot from the HVLP trim gun. The magazine on this gun is just big enough to do one side of a batch of 5 main ribs. Since that's the way they were layed out, it worked just right.
It was a bit windy today. But the house is downwind from a large ridge, and a south wind is always gusty with lulls of relative calm. Just wait for the gusts to subside, and then there's a minute or two of calm.
While the primer was curing, worked on dimpling. Dimpled the rear spar, and used the deburring bit to remove just a bit more metal as per the instructions. Then used the 988 rattle can primer to protect the bare aluminium.
Also dimpled the leading edge skin. Now there's enough construction work to last the weekend. Will have to deburr the main skins and get them dimpled. Will be looking for help bucking rivets by next weekend.