I bought seats on Southwest to be safe, but the weather shaped up to be acceptable for the trip out.
If a flight starts with a rainbow, it must be a good flight, right?
I flight planned for Eldorado, Livingston, and then Front Royal. That plan at least happened without any glitches. I did make a couple extra stops. An early in-flight defueling operation ended up less than satisfactory, so I decided to just land instead.
Leaving Texas again.
I had to contend with lower clouds, these prevented me from climbing for the first half of the trip.
But then I was able to get up above and into nice, smooth cruising. I did have mild headwinds the whole way.
One of the stops. I forget where this was.
Like I said, headwinds
Crossing the Mississippi has always fascinated me. I can't help but take lots of pictures.
There were scattered clouds, but they left me a lot of options.
The land is pretty rugged.
The first hint of fall in the leaves.
Radio telescopes at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. There's an airstrip, WV52.
The Shenandoah River.
Safely arrived at KFRR.
Dad was there waiting for me, we unloaded the plane and closed out that episode of cross country.
Hobbs total: 8.8hrs