Born on Friday, December 13, here is the newest addition to the household. So this explains the cryptic note about Katrin from the last post.
Mother and child. That's a 5 week old baby!
That's right, I'm a grandpa!
Yes, I haven't been posting much. Actually at all. I won't go into all the details about the last 7 months. But I do now have a healthy grand-daughter, and that's enough.
I did manage to do some flying over the past 7 months, but only about 40 hours. I don't have any pictures but trips included Port Aransas, a recent night currency trip to Fredricksburg, lots of TnGs at Lago Vista and Burnet, and re-establishing instrument currency in the nick of time with 6 approaches. I've got a lot more work to do on instruments, and one of these days I need to get some actual time on some approaches. But as of now, for what it's worth, I can legally file and fly IFR.
During the fall I did an annual condition inspection, did some avionics updates including adding ADS-B out and SL-40 frequency push, hooked up the SkyView to the autopilot (with a switch to choose the 430W instead), and changed the oil in December. Just got the oil analysis back and all the metals are in the green. Chromium is a bit higher (still green), but I guess that's what channel chromed cylinders do.
I plan to start back up on getting a commercial certificate. I may soon have access to a complex airplane that I can use for the required training and the checkride.
The stone wall over the garage had a settling crack. It was getting worse, and starting to make me nervous. The stone went all the way to the top, a huge amount of weight. I finally got a bid I could live with and gave the go ahead. They took the whole wall down, and put it back up, with siding in place of much of the stone. So far it seems to have solved the problem, and I think it looks acceptable.