Van's RV-9A in Aurora

The Big Picture

The Big Picture
Flying! 8/28/2011

Saturday, November 27, 2010

6 hrs, 22 rivets
Removed forward skin, roll bar brace, roll bar, canopy rails, etc. Need to paint the longeron and decks, so all this had to come off.
Trimmed the aft end of the slider rails to fit canopy skirt.
Installed second handle on roll bar.
Start masking longeron and seat back bulkhead for painting. Almost started the painting, but tomorrow will be warmer, so decided to wait. Here it is, the end of November, and it's already too cold to paint. Dang.

Install nutplates on subpanel. Mimi came by, and helped me rivet these on. Now Mimi can say she helped.

Discovered that one of the connectors on the EMS pod interferes with where the Skyview backup battery was supposed to go. Will move the battery to account for this. Also have to make room for the Dynon transponder, and the ARINC module.