12.2 hrs since last post
Haven't been posting, but have been working on the kit.
Finished deburring all wing skins.
Also primed all left wing ribs, stringers, etc..
Next up is final assembly of the left wing. But we are in the middle of winter here in Texas, and it's frickin' cold in the garage. So spending as much time as I can stand doing prep work.
Used the Sherwin Williams 995 self etching primer with the 997 reducer to prime parts this time. The 988 rattle can is way more convenient, and dries much faster. But with so much surface to cover, using the gun is the only sane way to go. Results turned out so-so, very inconsistent. Needs lots more practise with the HVLP gun to get really good. Tried laying the parts on the ground and hanging them up, and decided I like them on the ground better.
Had to rush priming just a bit, since weather was about to change, and life was calling, asking me to do other things.
It's supposed to warm up a little tomorrow, and then I can start riveting. Otherwise, I'll start prepping right wing parts!
Van's RV-9A in Aurora