5.5 hrs
Don't know how I can work all day on the plane and only get 5 hrs, but it's accurate, since I was very precise with the stopwatch today. There was a bike ride, lunch, breaks, chores. I guess they add up.
Stripped the outboard left bottom skin, clecoed the whole bottom left, and match drilled most of it. Also stripped most of the right skins in preparation. Time flies.
Ran in to a little difficulty with the rib tabs that mate to the bottom of the rear spar. Several were a bit off, and one bent inward and will have to be fixed up when the bottom skin is removed. Moral of the story, when preassembing the skeleton, cleco all of the rib tabs to the spars, and adjust to get them just right. I have the opportunity to make amends on the right wing!
Received a letter from the FAA today. N207LT is officially reserved. This worth taking some time to document.
Using my initials, Charlie Foxtrot, or Wiskey Foxtrot just doesn't work. The problem is foxtrot. It just doesn't roll off the tongue. I was thinking about that on a bike ride about a year ago, as the project was starting, about the time the 2007 Lake Travis Cavaliers were starting their playoffs. We watched every game that season, home and away, even though the girl had graduated already. But hey, she graduated in 2007! And then the Cav's won state! And Lima Tango DOES roll off the tongue. So on a bike ride, I came up with the N number. 11 months later I finally spent the 10 bucks on the FAA web page to reserve the number.
Oh, and the Cavs won last night 42 to 3. It was an odd night, with the Dripping Springs Tigers mostly owning the 1st quarter, 3-0. The LT offense was just not the same team we'd been watching the whole year, largely due to the DS defense. There was a penalty on almost every play. Finally Garrett ran for a touchdown. But it was called back on a penalty, one of many that looked suspicious. The LT home crowd booed, an uncharacteristic event. But then the momentum changed completely in LT's favor. I started feeling bad about booing about the time the score was 28 to 3. Average score for the last 3 games - 52 to 1. That's a defense!
My heart goes out to the Erxlebens. Ryan was carted off on a stretcher.
Van's RV-9A in Aurora