Finish control column assembly. Such simple word, such a huge amount of work. Anything having to do with contols seems to be like this. Recovered from yesterday's fiasco and ground the control sticks to fit the clevis ends of the Wd-610. Then spent about an hour getting the right hand stick to fit in the base. Just finding all of the parts needed takes a bunch of time making sure you have the right part - often by process of elimination.
Rerivet right 705J angle. The right side had a bit of a cant to it, causing the gap for the seat back bracket to be too small. So I drilled out 9 perfectly good rivets and tried again. The second time is better, but not perfect. It'll do OK, I used .040 scrap to set the spacing, and it was doable to get it in and out.
Edge deburr aft bulkheads. Still need to flute and flatten.
Fab aft bulkhead bars and angles. Cut the 710B angle too short, enough to violate rivet edge spacing. If it wasn't structural, I might go on. But this is holding the tail together. And a new part is cheap. I'll be placing an order from Van's next.