Finally got to do some riveting. It was almost two weeks.
Riveted the 728 and 729 bellcrank channels/angles
Riveted the 706 bulkhead, 730 doubler,729 bellcrank together.
Riveted the 707 and 708 bulkheads
Tomorrow is the 705 bulkhead assembly, and the control column, then the three aft bulkheads.
Sunday should I should be bending longerons.
Oh, and I got to fly today. Took the afternoon off. Lousy day for flying, bumpy and hot, but there weren't too many other fools out. Windy, with a mild crosswind at 50R. Two reasonable t/g's at Lockhart, then the obligitory full stop at KAUS behind a regional jet. My tactic in this case is now to land at the very end of the touch down zone or even beyond, coasting to taxi speed just in time for taxiway Kilo. I used to be conditioned to try to hit the numbers. There's a time for that, but on KAUS 17L, there's absolutely no need. Landing on the numbers behind a jet is a sure way to experience "wake turbulence". I almost got flipped over once behind a jet. It's something to avoid.
Picked up 3 sawhorses at Lowes on the way home.