1.5 hrs
Cleaned all the gorilla duct tape goop and spider death off of the longerons. MEK won't touch spider droppings, but they come right off with water.
Marked the longerons for the various bend and trim points. Didn't cut anything yet, and don't see any need to do so until trying out the aft assembly.
Rearranged the garage to get the fixed workbench and vice in the right place for bending. Tried out a couple of bends, but came to the conclusion that my old 3 1/2" vice is not up to the task. Looks like I need to go spend $70 at Home and Aircraft Depot for the 6" model. And I think I need a heavier rubber hammer, if I can find what I want. Otherwise I'll just use a block of wood and the heavy ball peen.
Van's RV-9A in Aurora