Finished riveting the 916 and baggage ribs to the 905 bulkhead. Decided to install the platenuts for the center tunnel covers first. Also installed the platenuts on the 915 ribs. Spent time adding a counterskink jig for the 21015 platenuts on the piece of hardwood that I've been using for this.
This took way longer than necessary. Aparently, either my countersink cutter is getting dull, or the platenuts harden after a little cutting and won't cut any more.
The rib rivets on the 905 bulkead are a real challenge. There's no good way to do them, since one rib or another is in the way. Ended up bucking most of them, and this involves lots of bending. Had to drill out a few obviously bad ones, some of the rest aren't show quality.
Then installed the bottom skin and started with a few rivets that I could reach. A lot more that I can't reach. Will need riveting help.
Trimmed the longerons, not final, but about an inch more needed (I hope). Used the scrap to check the slots in the aft fuselage where the longerons will fit. A small file made quick work of adjusting them for a perfect fit.