1.1 hrs
Removed the left 970 skin and made the bend on the lower aft corner. The bend worked great - except for the tear in the usual place. For those who forgot to deburr the corner and blamed that on the tear, rest easy - I deburred nicely before bending. I used a slightly different method that pulled up more tightly at the corner. I think that caused the rip. Now I'll have to stop drill and clean it all up. Fortunately, it will be mostly covered up by the step flange.
Cut a little more off the aft fuselage plastic to account for the longer 970 tail.
Clecoed the 923 fore and aft straps on. Dimple the front set, they're ready to go.
Also bent the corner fingers on the aft fuselage out a bit to match the cone of the left 970 corner. I think it worked well. The other side still needs the same treatment. At least it doesn't need a tear stop drilled.
Called it quits early. Next up is drilling the longerons. But I decided to stop. I think I'll get in some flight sim time.
Van's RV-9A in Aurora