Continued riveting the center section. My brother-in-law, John, came over and helped with the task. We knocked out a bunch of the center section bottom skin rivets. After we hit the groove, we cranked out the perfect rivets!
After he left, I had to find other tasks. I realized I hadn't drilled the aft canopy decks to the longerons yet. So got set up to do that task. After getting it all ready, but before drilling, I triple checked the drawings. Oops, I was about to do it wrong. The canopy deck has to overhang the longeron by the thickness of the skin. So I reset it all, and checked yet again. Good to go, so started out with the drilling. Used lot's of clamps, and lot's of my scrap alumium pieces to get it all aligned right. It took a while, but worked out great.
One oddity I noticed is that the mark at 28 1/4 doesn't line up with the forward edge of the canopy deck. Something in there is not exactly square. I know the mark was square before the longerons were bent, so maybe it's the canopy deck that isn't. At any rate, I lined the edge of the deck up with the middle of the line. It makes a difference of about a 32nd either way.