Installed temporary pop rivets for tank attach brackets.
Clecoed tank to wing. Is that cool, or what!
Drilled tank attach brackets. On the first hole, the 3/16 drill bit was taking a very long time. So decided to predrill to #30. But how to center the pilot hole? Solution: Start drilling each hole with the 3/16. This forms a nice centered hole that keeps the #30 in exactly the right place. The #30 goes quick, and then following with the 3/16 is equally quick. Be sure not to drill too deep, the tank baffle is up there somewhere.
Also drilled the splice strip. Started with #30, then #27, then #23, then #19. The 19 was a bit too much of a jump, should have gone #20, then #19.
Remove the tank from the wing. Now all of the clecos can come out of the wing.