Van's RV-9A in Aurora

The Big Picture

The Big Picture
Flying! 8/28/2011

Monday, January 18, 2010

1.1 hrs
Did some more tweaking of the brake lines. I finally noticed that the right side fitting at the parking brake should be a 90 degree, not 45. This cleaned up the lines a bit. Had to cut that line a little shorter and still need to flare it, but I think that portion of the brake install is approaching done.

Then passed a major milestone, drilling the first FWF holes in the firewall. Mounted the brake fluid reservior.

Doing some research on how to mount the Andair gascolator. One post on VAF shows a method that uses about the same method as the Van's stock location. This method did not use the nifty Andair mounting bracket. I think I'm going to wait a bit, since the pictures I saw had a close clearance between the gascolator and the engine mount.